• 10+

    Years of team work

  • 250+


  • 120+


  • 90%


  • 70+

    Cities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the EAEU and CIS countries

  • 150

    The main


Thanks to an individual and comprehensive approach to each request for our services in the field of organization and conduct of clinical trials of medicines, biomedical cell products and pharmacovigilance, we guarantee the high quality of our work, expertise and efficiency in solving the most complex issues, as well as comprehensive support at all stages. Every day, combining the efforts of the best specialists, we contribute to the process of developing and launching innovative medicines.

AH ST develops a culture of high efficiency, within which we conduct continuous training and pay special attention to personal and organizational development, based on a commitment to high-quality and personalized customer service. We consider effective and open communication to be a key component of developing strategies to meet your needs and goals. We provide lean project management to achieve operational excellence in terms of timing, quality and costs.

We work in full compliance with international norms and standards and are ready to offer you the optimal solution with strict compliance with the deadlines and budget of the project, thanks to the well-coordinated work of our experienced specialists.

We believe that projects achieve the greatest success when the customer and AH ST create a single integrated project team. This allows us to develop a working relationship with a mutual sense of ownership, a common vision and respect.

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+7 4852 59 39 89